Over a week ago, I got a call from the adoption recruiter (she never calls me, only emails) telling us that the staffing to determine BG's forever family has been scheduled for February 20!!! That's a month earlier than we had last been told and two weeks from the day of her call. I was elated. It got even better when I was told we were the only family left for consideration. The other two families had dropped from the process. WHAT!!!!???? With that piece of news, our chances of welcoming BG into our family increased significantly. Now, it's still not a done deal, as formal recommendations and approvals must be made, but we are super-hopeful!
Once again, the Lord has shown and continues to show us His infinite grace throughout this circumstance, and I have been seriously humbled by it. As I prayed and thanked the Lord for this news, I had to humble myself and ask for forgiveness for my lack of faith throughout this process. I am humbled that He continues to bless us with His grace when we are so undeserving.
Believe me, I have gone through waves of anxiety, doubt and impatience as dates were pushed further and further back (see
this post). When we were told in January that the staffing would not take place until late March, we even thought of withdrawing our consideration of BG and looking at other children in the hopes the process would move faster. We prayed... we sought counsel... we listened to sermons -- Charles Stanley has a great sermon on waiting on the Lord and trusting in His timing,
found here. Our faithfulness ebbed and flowed, but God's faithfulness never wavered.
Ultimately, the Lord pressed upon our hearts a commitment to BG until He closes that door, if it is His will. I love her without knowing her. We decided we needed to stay the course. The Lord's plan and His timing are perfect.
When I trust Him, the Lord gives me a peace that reminds me that He is sovereign. He's always working behind the scenes in ways I may never know. There are even those sweet times when He makes the "big reveal"of something awesome that surpasses what we could have imagined. Is He bringing us to His "big reveal"? Yes, if we remain faithful. His "big reveal" may not be what I hope it to be, i.e. BG joining our family, but it will be something that brings Him glory. In the end, that's what we want.
Friends, please pray for us as we continue on this path:
- The staffing is scheduled to take place at 10:30 AM (central time) on Friday, 2/20.
- Pray for wisdom for the professionals who are making the decision.
- Pray that we would trust the Lord and walk in obedience no matter the outcome.
- Pray for protection for our family's hearts and BG's heart.
"Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!" ~Psalm 27:14
"May grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord." ~2 Peter 1:2
Thank you! ~In Christ, Talya